Sunday, February 25, 2018

The New Gibson Modern " Flying V " ... is lookin' mighty Star Trek to me!

Gibson Modern Flying V - Its all just Star Trek to me

Does anyone else think the new Gibson Modern Flying "V" looks like a flying star trek logo?   Well, you're no the only one.  Whilst Gibson has fallen short in recent years on numerous product launches (including the failure that was the Firebird X) ; this guitar seems like it's almost an exact copy of the Star Trek Logo.  To add insult to injury ; the price of this throwback vox looking 60's guitar is $4,499.    And then they just tossed in the same pickups as a Studio Les Paul (that everyone hates) the 496R and 500T .  Every studio LP i've ever owned has had those pups removed because they are SO brittle sounding and are imho the WORST pickups in Gibson's inventory. Period. 

So in conclusion ; If you're a big enough sucker, and you really really love Star Trek ; well I think you may have found your perfect guitar. 

Your color choices on the Star Trek Special are Ebony Prism, Silver Prism and Gold Prism .